Strategy Workshop
A Stifinder strategy workshop is an experience out of the ordinary where we focus on the potential of the management team as well as the company and on possible future achievements. We believe, that the management holds hidden resources that – once unleashed – can create extraordinary results for the company.
In the Stifinder Programme we focus on managing change processes at the strategic level. This could concern a change process over a long time span, merging different company cultures, merging several management teams, merging departments or maybe a geographical relocation of the company. Maybe you need to create change – seen from an economic, management or other perspective.
Through your cooperation with Stifinder, you will often gain new insight that the management team did not expect and a strong and clear vision of the future they want to create through a joint effort. The leadership team finishes the process as a strong leadership team with a strategic game plan that describes how they can achieve extraordinary goals in cooperation with their organisation. They will also have gained a basic understanding of how to succeed as a strong leadership team going forward.
High-performance patterns
The strategy workshop serves as a catalyst for uncovering not-value-creating assumptions on one hand and high-performance patterns on the other hand. This enables the leadership team to move forward as one team using the full joint capacity of the whole team. The methods used by Stifinder are inspired by research made at Harvard University with the purpose of disclosing blindspots that can obstruct realising the full potential of the team and the organisation as a whole. When we look into and focus on blindspots, hidden resources are unleashed as well as a strong commitment to deliver real value.
Seeing the goal as a magnet
Establishing a goal based on a clear understanding of why the goal is important for the company, for the team and for the individual person is a precondition for creating full commitment. We explore and challenge the goals until a common understanding is reached about the goals being ambitious and attractive and until the team is fully committed to working towards the goals. At this stage everyone in the team can see that “there is something in it for me, for us as a team and for the company”. With this shared understanding, the goal will work as a magnet motivating the whole team to put all their skills and efforts at stake and achieve the goal effectively.
Visual strategy plan, successive helps to reach the goal
Visualising the strategy is a very effective tool and the game plan shows the goal, specific milestones, actions, strategic values, known challenges and stakeholder analysis in one simple and efficient tool. A Graphic Game plan manifests the enthusiasm present at the time it was drawn up and it inspires the implementation of the chosen strategy – long after the Game plan was made. I It is a strong tool for communicating a strategic direction in a simple way to many people across functional and geographical areas throughout the organisation. Det er et stærkt redskab til at kommunikere strategisk retning på en enkel måde til mange mennesker på tværs af funktioner og geografier gennem hele organisationen.
Extraordinary results
“In 2011 we celebrated our 125th anniversary on a Wednesday, where normally our sales would be at 6 million Danish kroner. We had prepared the day based on high-performance patterns and we reached a turnover of 46 million! This sets a noticeable example not only for our retail business but for all sectors signalling that with concentration, focus and adequate preparation you can actually reach for the stars.” Now CEO, CEO, Irma.
When we work with leadership teams with the aim of developing and implementing high-performance strategies, we often see surprising effects. When trust is built, hidden resources unleashed and full commitment to the strategic goals and their implementation is established, the magnitude of the subsequent results very often exceeds our expectations. This is what we have named the “Stifinder Effect”.
Each strategy workshop is designed in close cooperation with the leadership team in order to assure that the process is tailored to the specific situation and the challenges that the company faces.
The process is facilitated by Stifinder and it can be used alone as a tool to take a leap forward in the process of creating the desired future – or it can be supplemented by further acceleration and implementation programmes that will be individually designed.
Contact us
Would you like to know more about our strategy development toolbox? Så kontakt os: Lasse Zäll, +45 40142811 eller Christer Gaardmand Zäll, +45 61308474.