Jesper Hjulmand
CEO AT ANDEL (Formerly known as SEAS-NVE)
At Andel (formerly known as SEAS-NVE) we’re working very closely with Stifinder, and there are now more than 100 Stifinders in the business. Some years ago we made the decision that all managers and a number of internal partners must be Stifinders to ensure maximum horsepower in our business. Therefore, the Stifinder principles are now deeply anchored in our business, and on our onward journey we increasingly apply those Stifinder concepts which deal with energy – and to me leadership is very much about energy and being truly present.
I experienced one of my first eye openers in module 3 of the Stifinder programme. We had a “closed” Stifinder process for Andel only, and this worked really well. DThe open teams with participants from different firms are good too, but the difference is that the stakes may not be quite so high there. On our module 3, which is a very intensive process, we were sitting together with the colleagues we’d be working with next Monday.
The magic of the circle
Here I discovered the value of telling something from my heart and giving something of myself – directly and honestly to a circle of colleagues from the business. It made me realise that I shouldn’t refrain from opening my heart out of fear of appearing as a weak leader Monday morning. On the contrary; I experienced the very opposite!
I experienced what I would call “the magic of the circle” – the benefit from what I receive in return for telling personal stories and displaying trust. The circle and its results can be used as a leadership dimension! When we sit down in the circle there is a set of clear ground rules: Whatever we share stays in the circle, and this trust doesn’t change when we go home. It’s so simple, but it works. I’m part of the Stifinder network for top executives, Captain’s Network, and here I experienced that within two minutes the circle created confidence between people I’d never met before. At Andel we now hold our management meetings and liaison committee meetings in the circle with heart-to-heart talks about “facts and feelings” instead of a big PowerPoint show.
Energising others
The concepts on energy are connected with my way of leading. Personally I try to lead by being. To me, leading is to use myself. That the energy I can spread to others should preferably give them and the team more energy to do a good job. Personally I try to lead by being. To me, leading is to use myself. That the energy I can spread to others should preferably give them and the team more energy to do a good job.
It’s comparable to inviting guests for dinner. You like to let your guests feel that it’s all for them. You should give the employees in your department or your business the same experience when you lead. You have to show them that “the only place I want to be today is here with you, and now let me tell you what I have at heart.” This is a task which cannot be solved with a slideshow – you must use not just your head, but also your heart!
I sometimes see it in people who are able to give fervent speeches. They do that if they own the case they advocate. I’m best when I own my case, and I practise every day to make sure others hear and feel it. We’ve trained this skill as Stifinders – and applied in the context of leadership, it’s extremely powerful.